The Chitom School in the municipality of Joyabaj, Guatemala is a one-story confined masonry structure. The project includes a retaining wall structure consisting of masonry with tension ties and an on-site wastewater system consisting of a septic tank with field lines. Prior to the construction of the project, an existing school consisted of two teachers and 61 students meeting in a community salon divided into two rooms. The project provided the community with a more formal learning environment for the students in the community as well as improved sanitation.
We would like to acknowledge the assistance of the EWB-Wisconsin Professional Partners on this project. They provided funds, design mentorship, and travel mentorship, and this project would not have been possible without them.
Project Manager: Lauren Itzin
Faculty Advisor: Todd M. Davis, Ph.D.
Responsible Engineer in Charge: Max Schmiege, PE
Structural Design Mentor: Martin Aquino, PE
Water Resources Design Mentor: Doug Nelson
Tying rebar for the retaining wall footing. | Rebar bent to account for the higher part that could not be excavated further for the retaining wall footing. |
Tying in column bases for the retaining wall. | Pouring concrete for retaining wall footing. |
Completed footing. | Tying in column cages. |
Tying back column cages. | Laying first layer of block. |
Pouring the first beam. | Backfilling retaining wall. |
Last stage of the retaining wall construction prior to EWB-MSOE departure. | Excavating septic field. |
Backhoe used for excavation. | Laying pipe in the septic field. |
Leveling pipe in the septic field. | Cutting pipe for the septic field. |
Covering pipe in the septic field with gravel. | Covering the gravel layer with woven plastic bags. |
Making a tool used to punch holes in the woven plastic bags to create filters. | Using the tool made on site to punch holes into the woven plastic bags. |
Covering the septic field with soil. | Continuing to backfill the septic field. |
Leveling the pipes connecting the septic field to the distribution box. | Constructing the walls of the distribution box. |
Final construction stage of the distribution box prior to MSOE departure. | Pipe connecting the distribution box to the septic tank. |
Preparing to pour the footing for the school. | Constructing the walls for the school. |
Back view of the school during construction. | Front view the retaining wall and the school during construction. |
Back view of the school displaying the roof structure during construction. | Bathrooms under construction. |
Completed school. | Completed school. |